Yachting Land Adventures Pre-Booking


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Land Adventure Selection

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  • St. George's - Quintessential Island Drive 115(USD)
    20 spaces remaining


    This delightful tour begins at the pier where you will board your minibus and embark on a journey along a picturesque stretch of shoreline, to take in such sights as Bermuda's famous pink sand beaches, including magnificent Horseshoe Bay and Church Bay. A photo stop will be made at Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, which is believed to be one of the oldest cast iron lighthouses in the world. The lighthouse was completed in 1846 and stands 117 feet from the base to the lantern and its beam can be seen 40 miles out to sea. It is from this highly advantageous location that some of the most expansive and picturesque views of Bermuda can be found. Traveling on, your next stop is at one of the island's marvelous pink sand beaches for a brief photo opportunity before proceeding on to the Royal Naval Dockyard. Your route will first take you over Somerset Bridge, erected in 1620 and the smallest drawbridge in the world, and then through the quaint village of Somerset. The highlight of your tour is a stop at the Bermuda Fudge Company kiosk to meet the owner and sample her tasty locally made products of fudge, famous Bermuda Rum Cakes and chocolate! Afterwards, your driver/guide will point out several of the attractions here before you are given the opportunity to have some free time to explore the nearby Crafts Market, National Museum and the Arts Center. There are also numerous shops and dining venues for you to enjoy. Afterwards, you'll re-join your Minibus and begin the return journey by first enjoying a leisurely drive through all 9 parishes as we make our way to rejoin our yacht berthed in St. George’s.


    Please wear soft flat walking shoes, a light jacket, sunglasses, and a hat. Do not forget your camera to capture the views.


    4 hour(s)


    115 (USD)

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